Week 6 - Community Service Project (Mental health) & Reflection

Last Tuesday, our class presented our mental health presentation in front of our audience. Overall, I believe the presentation went better than expected. The audience seemed to enjoy our presentation. The major point of critique is that we spoke rapidly due to our nervousness and thus the audience was unable to follow some parts of our presentation. Another point of criticism is the fact that there was not enough time left for discussion. For our next presentation, we should be careful to leave ample time for discussion. A major point of praise is that when asked questions to a presenter, other classmates would jump in to help them answer the question. This form of teamwork and solidarity represented well the unity of our class. If the presentation was not appreciated by the audience, at least it was personally beneficial to myself. I learned information concerning my own mental health and what I may do to improve my mental health such as more frequent exercise and perhaps joining another support group.
Our next presentation will be over maternal health and the topics will be as follows: health (pre, post), exercise, high risk/low risk pregnancy, relationship and baby, epigenetics, role of partners/ support for single parents, PPD/ mental health, miscarriage, education at home, planning/ contraceptives/ finances. I am interested in researching the mental health piece, which includes covering topics such as post-partum depression and miscarriage. As both of my sisters have recently undergone pregnancies, they will be valuable resources as they have done countless research on such topics before giving birth. They may also direct me to other resources they've used concerning the topic. 
