Week 3 - Community Service Project

Update on Community Service Project:

During class we established that the first topic we will present for our community service project is behavioral health. We outlined topics within behavioral health we may discuss such as its definition, removing taboos of behavioral health, the implication of cultural differences in behavioral health, case studies of patients with behavioral health issues, demographics/statistics of those with high risk of struggling with behavioral health issues, symptoms of poor behavioral health, and care and treatment (medical, alternative treatment, counseling, and support groups) for patients with behavioral health issues. We established that flyers will need to be made alongside brochures to be handed out before our presentation. Furthermore, eventually we will have to discuss which groups will be doing research of the topic, presenting the topic, creating the brochures, or creating the flyers. It seems we will be working on each major topic as an entire class, which will be manageable considering our small class size.

Behavioral health is defined as "a state of mental and emotional being and/or choices and actions that affect wellness" ("Community Health Needs Assessment"). I have done research on behavioral health care facilities that we may recognize during our presentation. There are numerous behavioral health care facilities in our community such as as in Prince George’s Hospital Center and Laurel Regional hospital. There are also behavioral health service hotlines such as offered by the Prince George’s County Health Department’s Mental Health Division. Furthermore, many organizations such as the ARC of Prince George’s County, the Maryland Community Connection, the Mental Health Association, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness advocate support groups and education centers for behavioral health related issues. Inpatient  and outpatient care hospitals include Adventist Behavioral Health, MedStar Montgomery, Suburban Hospital, and Washington Adventist Hospital.

As behavioral health includes anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunctions, and substance abuse, it may be best to approach the topic focusing on each type of behavioral health sequentially. For example we could first discuss anxiety and discuss treatment for specifically anxiety before moving on to depression.

I look foward to discussing behavioral health and researching this fascinating subject further. 
