Cell Journal 2 - Dictionary
- Peptidylprolyl isomerase
- PDI (protein disulfide isomerase) & Ero1 (ER oxidoreductin 1)
CRISPR - Clustered Regularly Interspaced Palindromic Repeats; Repeating DNA sequences in bacteria are interrupted by short sequences of DNA, which are fragments of viral DNA the result of viral replication using a bacterial host. Cas9--an enzyme often referred to as "molecular scissors"--locates the corresponding viral DNA (via an RNA guide), cleaves the viral DNA, thus destroying the virus. Gene editing becomes possible by synthesizing a synthetic RNA guide to lead Cas9 to a desired sequence of a (mutated) gene and being replaced instead by a normal gene.
Peptidylprolyl Isomerase - A chaperone enzyme that converts trans peptide bonds (which are more stable due to the lack of steric hinderance) to cis peptide bonds by inserting the amino acid proline thus catalyzing the rate-limiting step during protein folding.
PDI (protein disulfide isomerase) & Ero1 (ER oxidoreductin 1) - PDI is an oxidizing enzyme which removes the hydrogen atoms from two neighboring cysteine molecules allowing the formation of a disulfide bond. Ero1 is an oxidizing enzyme which then removes the newly attained hydrogen atoms from PDI. Ero1 is itself oxidized as oxygen picks up the hydrogen atoms Ero1 removed from PDI. This allows for continual function of both enzymes and the formation of disulfide bonds.
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